The controversial 420 day takes place every year, but what does 420 mean and how is it related to Hyde Park?

What is 420 day?

420 Day takes place every year on April 20. It gets its name from the way Americans write out the date–as they write the month before the day, April 20 becomes 4/20.

“Back in 1971, five students at San Rafael High School in California would meet at 4.20pm – right after doing their after-school sports – by the school’s statue of Louis Pasteur to toke up.”

The San Rafael High School students, who called themselves the Waldos, would meet at a wall outside their school after sports practice every day–at exactly 4.20pm.

“This spread, 4.20pm became known as the perfect time for smoking weed, and the number 420 became synonymous with marijuana,” the story goes.

How does 420 relate to Hyde Park?

Hundreds of cannabis users meet up in Hyde Park, London, every year on April 20 to celebrate smoking and protest the UK’s weed laws – while getting high.